Occasional Gaffe

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Sep 28, 2020 CNN’s @jaketapper to Jill Biden: “Your husband has been known to make the occasional gaffe” Biden: “You can’t even go there. After Donald Trump you cannot even say the word gaffe. Hannity said in the segment, “This is pretty serious, by the way, these are way beyond an occasional campaign gaffe, and I am more than worried that this man could represent a clear and present.

Hannity: Joe Biden commits more gaffes on the campaign trail


Sean Hannity says former vice president's slip-ups, misstatements show he is 'not capable of leading' the United States

Occasional Gaffe

Democratic nominee Joe Biden's repeated gaffes on the campaign trail compound the case against his fitness to become president, Sean Hannity argued Monday.

While en route to a campaign event in Ohio, Biden took questions from reporters, including one who asked whether Judge Amy Coney Barrett's faith should be 'considered' during her confirmation to the Supreme Court. Biden rejected the idea, but didn't express himself as clearly as he could have.

'You may remember, I got in trouble when we were running against the senator who was a Mormon, the governor, OK? And I took him on,' said Biden, apparently referring to former Massachusetts governor and current senator from Utah Mitt Romney. 'No one's faith should be questioned.'


Later in the day, Biden told his audience at a drive-in stump speech in Toledo that he was 'running as a proud Democrat for the Senate.'

'Maybe somebody on the staff might want to remind the ever-forgetful Joe that he is running for president,' the 'Hannity' host said. 'He's not running for senator. He keeps forgetting, forgets the day of the week, forgets what office he's running for. He is running for president, not the Senate.'

Hannity then played other clips of recent Biden gaffes, including a reference to 'Super Thurs-- Tuesday' -- a partial quotation of the Declaration of Independence as 'we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men and women are created -- by, ... you know, the thing.'

Biden also has claimed, the host went on, that poor children are 'just as bright and talented as White kids.'

'This is pretty serious, by the way, these are way beyond an occasional campaign gaffe, and I am more than worried that this man could represent a clear and present danger to this country,' Hannity said.

'He is obviously not capable of leading. He has been hiding the entire campaign and the corrupt media mob is covering for him. Joe wants to be the president of the United States of America -- that would be the toughest job in the world -- and at times Joe doesn't seem to remember that he's running for president, or what state he's in, what day of the week it is.

Occasional Gaffe Definition

'Does anybody really believe that if elected, Joe Biden will actually be in control of anything?'