Eq Lost Souls 2

Lost Souls of Eci of Permafrost. Lvl 60 + guild looking for all classes to do questing, grouping, and some raiding if possible. Members: Created: Alignment: Guild XP: 140 (41 accounts) 2005-01-09. EverQuest ® is a registered. In 4 kills I've received 2 Ethereal Bands, 1 Spirit of Heroes and 1 Strength of Valor. Only 1 visible mold has dropped and it was Fear Stained Bracer A Lost Soul By: Rorce On: November 12, 2012, 09:56:56 AM.

The Obelisk of Lost Souls - (East Wing). Enter a custom location to show on the map. A complete archive of the EverQuest II forums going back to 2004. Lost Souls is an optional mission in Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep given by a Crestfallen Player.

EverQuest II offers thousands of quests for you to embark upon. Find out about a few of the most Interesting Quests available in the vast world of Norrath.

Apr 22, 2005

Eq lost souls 2

EverQuest II offers thousands of quests for you to embark upon. These quests below are but a small taste of the engaging adventures available in the vast world of Norrath.

Zarvonn's Legacy
Completing this quest will grant access to the Eternal Gorge. To get this quest, speak with Impelia Abbettus in The Commonlands.

First, you must find Gierasa Kulnovich, a nomad that wanders within The Commonlands. Gierasa can be found in a nomad camp northeast of the Nektulos Station. After speaking with Gierasa, you must continue your journey toward Zarvonn's Tower to speak with Overseer Melicin, the mage within. The Tower is located just southwest of Nektulos Station. Before speaking with Overseer Melicin, you must first deal with Assistant D'Verin.
You will then be sent to defeat Fallen Orc Lieutenants until you acquire four Greater Undead Skulls. These lieutenants are often found near the docks within The Commonlands. Return to Zarvonn's Tower and speak with the Assistant again, and he will then allow you to address the Overseer. Melicin wants some Ectoplasmic Goo, which can be found on Lost Souls. These Lost Souls tend to hang around cemeteries.
After defeating the Lost Souls, return to Overseer Melicin again. You will gain access to the Eternal Gorge.
Access to the Eternal Gorge. You'll gain experience.
Recommended Level

Cleansing of the Firemyst Gully
There is an undead army within Firemyst Gully, and it falls upon brave adventurers to fight back. After gaining access to Firemyst Gully, speak with Sir Thothur Dorarr in the small Dwarf village to get this quest.

Slay as many undead within Firemyst Gully as Sir Thothur Dorarr requests. After doing so, return to him. He will then request that you destroy the sigils and burn some hanging corpses. You will want to purchase a dwarven shovel and a torch from the camp to assist you in this task. Empty every grave before approaching the final sigil; then burn all of the corpses and destroy three brutes. The undead army will not rise to overwhelm you when you approach them.
Dwarven Weapon of Cleansing. You'll gain experience.
Recommended Level

Armor Quests
Armor quests involve a series of quests that vary depending on your class and alignment. Upon completing these armor quests, you'll receive a reward: nearly a full suit of new armor tailored for your profession.

To begin your armor quests, speak with one of the following NPCs after reaching level 20:

  • Ian Cathlan - Qeynos Harbor : Guardian, Berserker, Paladin, Templar, Ranger, Swashbuckler, Troubador, Dirge.
  • Selwyn Oakheart - South Qeynos : Mystic, Fury, Warden, Monk.
  • Gildas Cedartree - The Elddar Grove : Conjurer, Wizard, Warlock, Illusionist.


  • Dyric Pire - East Freeport : Guardian, Berserker, Shadowknight, Inquisitor, Assassin, Brigand, Troubador, Dirge.
  • Vassi Darkscale - North Freeport : Defiler, Bruiser, Warden, Fury.
  • Kirsteh the Witch - East Freeport : Necromancer, Wizard, Warlock, Coercer.

A full suit of armor (except for a helm) tailored specifically for your class. You'll gain experience.
Recommended Level

Saving Soles
'Saving Soles' is one of many Heritage Quests in EverQuest II. Qeynos adventurers, start this quest in Lavastorm by speaking with Charly Ashlash. Since he only speaks the goblin tongue, you will need to learn his language in order to communicate with him… because he won't bother to learn yours.

Once you speak with Charly, he will readily sign you up for a little labor duty, even if you aren't in total agreement with the deal. You must slay 50 Crawlers and 50 Drakes before he will send you on a journey through Lavastorm to the real task at hand: reclaiming the Golden Efreeti Boots.
But, Charly is a joker. Once mighty and valuable, the Golden Efreeti Boots are now old, worn out, and valueless. At least, that's how they appear -- because one creature's junk may be another's treasure!
And the journey alone may be worth it. Along the way you'll encounter memorable creatures such as Foulgill the Rotten, the Big Squiggly, the Magolemus, Lord Djarn, Tazgar the Efreeti, and even Najena herself!
Golden Efreeti Boots (heritage item), 50,000 status points, and experience.
Recommended Level

Draconic Quests
In the Age of Destiny the gods have been silent, but this is not true of the Children of Veeshan, the dragons. They still walk Norrath and are more active than ever in the lives of mortals. The fate of all Norrath may be at risk!
The Draconic quests start in Lavastorm once you reach level 50. To begin, enter the trench that leads to Maiden's Gulch. You will find Sebir the Historian. His master, the Sage of Ages, has been captured. The loyal Sebir is terrified of the fate that has befallen his master. To initiate the first of the Draconic Quests, Act 1, speak to Sebir the Historian.

Act 1, 'To Speak as a Dragon,' leads you on a world-spanning hunt to locate the ancient draconic runes, This will enable you to speak to the Red Lord himself, Nagafen. Begin this quest by rescuing the Sage of Ages.
Act 2 of the Draconic Quests, 'Fire and Ice,' sends you on a quest to attempt a miraculous resurrection of the White Lady, Vox. This will enable you to learn the location of the lost prismatic egg. Begin this quest by speaking with Lord Nagafen, who resides within Solusek's Eye.
Act 3, 'Deception,' guides your hunt of Lord Darathar, the mastermind behind the impending doom that Norrath now faces! Begin this quest by returning to Lord Nagafen after completing 'Fire and Ice.'
Act 1, 'To Speak as a Dragon' : The ability to speak the dragon tongue. And you'll gain Experience.
Act 2, 'Fire and Ice' : You'll gain experience.
Act 3, 'Deception' : A Prismatic Weapon. You'll gain the title 'of the Shard.' You'll gain experience.
Recommended Level

Ice Giant Statue Quest Series
The statues within the Keep in Permafrost honor the clan founders of Rem, Curn, Virh, Ikro and their ilk. They were among those who used the Horn of Phrotis to survive the icy wastes after the fall of Halas during the Age of Cataclysms. The Horn blessed the barbarians with their ability to weather the cold, but leveled a curse that transformed their bodies over time into what are known as Ice Giants.

Prove Your Strength
This is the first of a series of quests in Permafrost that involve giant statues.
To start this quest series, locate the collection of giant statues in the room within the Keep. The inscriptions at the base of these Ice Giant statues challenge you to complete a series of tasks to prove yourself worthy of touching the Horn of Phrotis. It is found within the walls of Permafrost. To initiate this quest, interact with the first frost-covered plaque.
Slay 10 Animated Glaciers within Permafrost.
2 gold. And you'll gain experience and the ability to embark on the 'Defeat the Frostpaw Packhounds' quest.
Recommended Level
Defeat the Frostpaw Packhounds
Locate the Ice Giant statue room in the Keep within Permafrost; then read the second Ice Giant statue plaque to initiate this quest.
Complete 'Prove Your Strength' (see above)
Slay 20 Frostpaw Pack Hounds within Permafrost
2 gold. And you'll gain experience and the ability to embark on the 'Incompetence Punished' quest.
Recommended Level
Incompetence Punished
Locate the Ice Giant statue room in the Keep within Permafrost; then read the third Ice Giant statue plaque to initiate this quest.
Complete Defeat the 'Frostpaw Packhounds' (see above)
Slay 10 Kromise Pack Tamers within Permafrost
2 gold. And you'll gain experience and the ability to embark on the Rem's Task quest.
Recommended Level
Rem's Task
Locate the Ice Giant statue room in the Keep within Permafrost; then read the fourth Ice Giant statue plaque to initiate this quest.
Complete Incompetence Punished (see above)
Slay 7 Kromise Rem Cassoks within Permafrost
2 gold. And you'll gain experience and the ability to embark on the Another Challenge Issued quest.
Recommended Level
Another Challenge Issued
Locate the Ice Giant statue room in the Keep within Permafrost; then read the fifth Ice Giant statue plaque to initiate this quest.
Complete Rem's Task (see above)
Slay 15 Kromise Deacon Watchmen within Permafrost
2 gold. And you'll gain experience and the ability to embark on the Victor or Victim quest.
Recommended Level
Victor or Victim
Locate the Ice Giant statue room in the Keep within Permafrost; then read the sixth Ice Giant statue plaque to initiate this quest.
Complete Another Challenge Issued (see above)
Slay 15 Kromise Kurn Defenders within Permafrost
2 gold. And you'll gain experience and the ability to embark on the Challenge of the Savages quest.
Recommended Level
Challenge of the Savages
Locate the Ice Giant statue room in the Keep within Permafrost; then read the seventh Ice Giant statue plaque to initiate this quest.
Complete Victor or Victim (see above)
Slay 10 Kromise Vihr Savages within Permafrost
2 gold. And you'll gain experience and the ability to embark on the Final Challenge of the Kromise quest.
Recommended Level
The Final Challenge of the Kromise
Locate the Ice Giant statue room in the Keep within Permafrost; then read the eighth Ice Giant statue plaque to initiate this quest.
Complete Challenge of the Savages (see above)
Slay 10 Ikro Kromise Protectors within Permafrost
2 gold. And you've gained experience and the right to sound the Horn of Phrotis.
Recommended Level:
The Horn Sounds
After completing the entire Ice Giant Statue quest series within Permafrost, you have earned the right to sound the Horn of Phrotis. Seek this horn out within the walls of Permafrost for a mighty challenge, glory, and a kingly reward.

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